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Don’t Waste Your Money On Rear Differential Repair

Rear Differential Repair

Garden Grove Rear Differential Repair

Many Garden Grove drivers aren’t aware of their vehicles differential or transaxle until something goes wrong. To help you out before theirs’s a problem Orozco’s Auto Service would like to share a bit of valuable information on this topic. Before front wheel drive came along, all vehicles had a rear differential. Four wheel drive and all wheel drive vehicles have two differentials. Nowadays and as before every vehicle has a differential, whether you have a rear one or not depends on the drive system. So what is a differential and how does it impact my vehicle?

If your vehicle has front-wheel drive, then it uses a front differential that is next to the transmission in a unit called the transaxle. A vehicle with rear-wheel drive has a rear differential that sits between the rear wheels and connects to the transmission through the drive shaft. Both front and rear differentials do the same thing, which is ensuring the your wheels move smoothly when you move around corners— just from different locations. But why does it smooth out your turns you ask? Simply put, a differential is a system that transmits an engine’s torque to the wheels. The differential takes the power from the engine and splits it, allowing the wheels to spin at different speeds. Imagine a marching band moving around a corner. You may have noticed the people on the outside of the turn take longer strides than the people on the inside to keep everyone in a perfect line. A differential does the same thing for a car. It compensates for how the inner wheels don’t have to travel as far to get around a corner as the outer ones.

As previously mentioned, four wheel drive vehicles have two differentials and things are a bit different with these. Additionally an all-wheel-drive vehicle has a third kind of differential called a center differential. It helps distribute power between the front and rear axles since both do the job of steering your car. With four-wheel drive, there is a front and rear differential that’s called a transfer case located in the middle to manage and deliver power to all four wheels. These systems have the same goal as the others: ensuring a smooth turn where the wheels don’t skip or jump.

If your differential isn’t working properly, there are several things before that you may notice before it fails altogether. Tire damage on the sidewall or outer tread of a tire, if your car becomes difficult to handle and doesn’t easily steer around corners, could be another sign that the differential needs to be replaced. The sound of grinding gears or a whining noise are also indicators that you should have your differential checked. Luckily, Orozco’s Auto Service of Garden Grove has the knowhow on how to repair or replace this critical component of your vehicle. Our ASE certified technicians can repair your differential or transaxle in no time and back up that repair with a NAPA nationwide 2 year, 24,000 mile warrant.

If you’ve notice any of the previously mentioned signs of a failing differential, or If you would like to have your vehicle inspected, contact Orozco’s Auto Service of Garden Grove today at 714-537-0076. Keep your vehicle in good condition and ensure the safety of yourself, your loved ones, and those around you!


Orozco’s Auto Service Garden Grove – Orange County CA
12776 Nutwood Street Garden Grove, CA 92840
Call Today: 714-537-0076 – Auto/Fleet/Diesel Service Repairs

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